How the Energy Shift May Be Affecting You in 2021

What the hell is happening in the world!? You may be wondering… First and foremost, I want to start with the fact that we are in the “Great Transformational Era”. It means we are currently going through a planetary scale energy shift where the vibration of this planet is shifting to a 4th dimension from […]
6 Steps You MUST Take to Manifest Money (Lots of It!)

What if I tell you that manifesting $1,000,000 is same as manifesting $1? (Which is true by the way). I bet your mind may be screaming “NO WAY!” faster than your mouth says. Understandable, considering most of us believe that: the bigger reward it is, the harder we have to work to attain it, which […]
How to Stop Being Addicted to Thoughts for Your Wellbeing

Are you struggling with negative thoughts or depression? Since I released the Ultimate Guide to Mastering Your Subconscious Mind, I’ve got many requests on dealing with own negativity in my email and comment section… So today, I’ll share with you another ultimate guide on getting rid of your long-established negative patterns and replace them with new […]
How to Love Yourself Even If You’re Struggling to Do So

Do you love yourself?… Maybe, that’s probably a tough question for some of you since you are reading this… But I want you to know that you are not alone. In this society, it’s rather hard to find a person without any insecurities about their own body and loving themselves fully. There are just too […]
The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Your Subconscious Mind & Reality

Welcome to my blog! This is my very first blog post here, so it’s going to be a very special one: the Ultimate Master Guide to mastering your subconscious mind and manifest anything you want. I’m going to expose you to some stuff that is going to make your eyes water. What I’ll be sharing […]