What the hell is happening in the world!?
You may be wondering…
First and foremost, I want to start with the fact that we are in the “Great Transformational Era”. It means we are currently going through a planetary scale energy shift where the vibration of this planet is shifting to a 4th dimension from the current 3.5th dimension.
Which also suggests that Earth is actually becoming more and more positive each day.
I know it may not look that way considering what’s happening in the world right now, but trust the universe, our planet is getting slightly better each day in terms of vibration.
The question is, what does this energy shift have to do with you or us as humanity?
I will explain about this shortly, so keep on reading to find out.
In 2012, for the first time in the long history of Earth, the planet’s positive energy has slightly surpassed its negative energy.
In the Mayan Calendar, the year 2012 was the “beginning of the new age”, which was a huge critical mass for our planet in terms of energy.
And just like all the living things have its consciousness, Earth has its own, too.
In this article, you will get yourself familiar with the planetary consciousness shift, how this energy shift and collective consciousness are affecting you.
Also, you will learn what are the ways you can make use of such as ascension to manifest the life you desire and become who you want to be.
Table of Contents
What is This Planetary Consciousness Shift All About?
Individually, this shift has been already (and slowly) taking place since 1960.
However, the speed of this energy shift has become much faster, especially since the critical mass in 2012. This energy shift is massively influenced by the planetary consciousness and our collective consciousness.
So, what is going on with this shift in energy?
Basically, Earth is trying to push out its accumulated negativity to elevate to a higher dimension, shifting from the current 3.5th dimension to 4th dimension through vibrational level.
To go a higher vibrational dimension, we first need to clear out our negative energies that keep our vibration low. This is exactly the same for the planet as well.
Those negative energies that Earth accumulated (mostly from us) have to be expressed first in order for it to be cleared and healed.
Many of planet scale distressing or disastrous events that we see in the news are manifestations, resulted from Earth trying to clear its negative energies.
This is the reason why humanity is facing a lot of negativities such as disaster, violence, inhumanity, destruction, and conflicts on this planet in the past few years..
Especially, 2020 was the year that exactly represented what I have just said, as we faced so much difficulties with global pandemic, racial injustice, refugees crisis, and climate crisis.
Starting from assassination of Qasem Soleimani and almost starting WW3, to a virus outbreak in Wuhan, China, leading up to global pandemic. Racial injustice, BLM movement, and the US presidential election.
It was hell of a roller coaster, wasn’t it?
We were literally in the center of the hurricane.
What Will Be Happening in the Coming Years?
The year 2020 was the year that significantly changed our lives in so many ways.
But on the positive side, the more people started to choose wiser conscious decision, standing up for human rights, racial injustice, spreading awareness toward protecting our environment, exposing corruption, valuing the freedom to speak up against the controlling rulers who turn a blind eyes as their country grows in chaos.
Yes, the majority of the events were bleak and wild, and many of you must have felt like the world is ending, which is not wrong… because we’re literally witnessing the END of the old system and the beginning of the new world that will solve many problems we have today.
We’re currently in the transmission, shifting from the old system to the new system, which I would say will take around 10 years till complete. This is the beginning step towards creating a world, like the Utopia from Star Trek, the world without war, money, and poverty.
Yes it would require much more time to create such a world, but it’s possible, and the new system that will be implemented in the coming years is a big step towards that world.
For the next few years, things and events that may seem rather chaotic will keep happening often till around 2023-2024, considering we’re in the transformational era where Earth is trying to heal itself by pushing out the negativity to raise its vibration.
Every one of us needs to go through a healing process at some point of our lives, not only to keep the stress and negative energy at bay, but to sustain our spiritual energy body and our physical body – and that kind of detoxification is what the Earth needs and does, as well.
In 2021 and the coming few years, we will likely see more negative and chaotic events coming up on the surface due to the shift in planetary consciousness. Nonetheless, understand that all of these will pass for the benefit of the future. The Earth is preparing itself to shift into a higher dimension through cleansing the lower energy that we have created such as destruction of nature, wars, etc.
This healing process is a very natural process of every consciousness and soul. Healing is the process that every soul (consciousness) goes through at some point.
It’s every soul’s desire − to be more developed and go back to the Oneness.
What we have been doing to our mother planet is the same as what a cancer cell does to a human body. Earth is not only experiencing environmental pollution from us but also thought pollution from the all living beings on this planet (mostly humans).
She is healing herself like our organic body system tries to heal itself when it’s sick.
It’s a necessary process for her to sustain life on this planet.
This transformational shift is getting clearer and faster every year as you can see what’s happening in the world, and probably in your life too.
What's Exactly Gonna Happen With This Energy Shift?
This is also the reason WHY many of us (energy sensitive people) feel that time is speeding up, which is actually happening.
If you think it’s just a hunch, let me tell you that is 100% real.
This shift is happening with a purpose to make our our consequence (our state of being) clearer and salient. This energy shift will make your energy statement crystal clear.
Remember what you focus on expands.
Meaning, negative people will experience more negativity, while positive people will experience more positivity. Depending on which side we prefer to look at things in life, the duality will only get bigger and greater like snowball effect.
If you are smart, I bet you understand that this change will also result in “accelerated manifestation” and result in more fixed reality experiences.
It’s very important that you understand this, because this conscious energy shift is not only a huge turning point for the Earth, but also for us.
Why is that? Well, this has something to do with “parallel world”.
We Choose Our Own Parallel Reality
I’m sure you’ve already heard the word, “parallel world” at least once unless you lived your whole life in a cave.
Parallel worlds, or parallel universes, or multiverse, or bubble universes − you name it, is all real and that is how the whole universe/dimensions actually work.
People don't like to claim what's uncertain, but yes, you see I'm making a big claim here. FYI, I've been doing my research on this matter for more than 10 years via various credible sources, so I am confident about it as it perfectly makes sense to me, from my own experiences as well, which is why I stand firmly to my claims that I state here.
But please don’t get me wrong, I’m not forcing you to believe in any of this.
I can write another long article just about how this whole thing works, but maybe later.
But if you are interested in learning about our current understanding of the parallel worlds, you can watch this video here (20 min) which is very educational though.
So where are we (you) heading?
Maybe you are still confused, since math and numbers are involved.
To explain our current situation (our world) in a more comprehensive way, let me give you an example using train and platform.
Imagine there are a number of platforms with its rails.
Each rail leads to its own unique destination, and has its different consequence of reality.
You are on a train which is heading to its unique destination, that is specific yet unsure.
From the overall energy aspect of view of this planet, we essentially had to choose our train that we get on (meaning choosing our direction and start walking on that path) in 2015.
Then, 2016 and 2017 gave us the chance to move to another train (deciding where to go).
And in 2018 and 2019, we (our trains) basically left the station and started heading to its destination.
Keep in mind that as time passes, it will be harder for us to change our course drastically, considering our energy is more fixed, due to the energy shift in the collective and the planetary.
However, at this time changing the direction (rail) of your path greatly is still possible, but this will not be the case anymore by around 2045-2050 in Earth time.
The energy would be already fixed by that time, you wouldn’t be interacting with things and people that’s no longer in your vibration, which is possible at this point of time as duality still exists. But remember the duality we see today will be less and less as time goes on.
So it’s very important that we start walking on our desired path and become more of who we align with as soon as possible, otherwise, you may end up living a life you didn’t prefer at all.
"The trouble is you think you have time." - Buddha
So if you are currently struggling with the negativity and waiting to heal itself, let me tell you one thing: waiting will NOT make it happen.
I said it.
Now is the time to take action and start walking on the path of healing before it’s too late.
I’m not trying to scare you, but telling you the truth.
You should really take damn actions if you really want to change your life, which is the only way to change your life.
So what is this transformational shift all about after all?…
It means negative people will experience more and more negativity, while positive people experience more and more positivity as your energy will be clearer and stronger.
This is why I keep telling you that we don’t have much time left, because energy isn’t going to stay the same at all. It’s constantly changing just like everything in the universe.
Drop All the Burdens Holding You Back
Before I proceed to my discussion, let me show you this video first, to help you broaden your awareness on the multiverse and how our world works.
If you have watched this video from Bashar, I believe you now understand it doesn’t mean that everyone can go to a higher (positive) vibrational density since we all individually live in our own parallel reality.
There is an infinite number of realities (universes) and we are merely experiencing one of the realities that mostly represents our vibration from moment to moment.
Since you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re clearly seeing THIS energy shift in your life…
As Bashar says in the video, eventually, you will no longer interact with them meaning they (who doesn’t match with your vibe) will disappear from your life − they find themselves out in a variety of ways.
This happened to me as well, when someone whom I used to strongly believe who would never leave, actually left.
Honestly… I was not surprised at all, as I realized we already had a large gap between our vibration which caused the end of our relationship.
Things that doesn’t resonate with you will leave, they can’t stay in your vibration.
It was obvious to me looking at the end of our relationship, she was literally a completely different person, with a different vibration.
While I was the one who is happier and is trying my best to help her (because she was that important to me), she was the one who kept shutting herself out and rejected me every time I reach out to her.
I learned that you can’t save someone who doesn’t wish to be saved.
Our vibration became too different.
It was impossible for us to keep staying together emotionally and physically, unless either one of us greatly changes and adapt to one’s vibration.
It was very exhausting for each other, so we chose to walk on our separated path.
We did not speak or interact to each other after that, and it’s okay, because she simply doesn’t belong to me, to my vibration anymore.
What I learned from this relationship is that holding onto something which is not mine (my energy) will only cause more conflicts and pains, there is no happiness in there.
So my advise for you this year is…
Let go of what doesn’t resonate with you anymore and be more of who you really are.
Let It Be & Let It Go
Things that don’t resonate with you are only a burden for you.
If it feels very heavy, DROP it because it doesn’t belong to you.
Because simply holding onto burdens will bring you more pains.
Is this what you really want? Think about it.
However, I know how hard it is to let go of someone you once loved or who’s been with you for a long time.
But you go on, you must accept that everyone changes.
Sometimes, a person becomes someone else that they never promised to be, but that’s life, and it’s okay.
It’s really tiring to live with such burden which requires you an immense amount of effort, dedications, and energy to stick with.
I bet you’re already aware of that…
My friend, there’s no way that you have to keep taking them with you, you can let it go.
It’s not good for you, and for them too.
However, it’s your freedom to stick with such burden, or wait and expect the person/situation to change, but most likely you will just find yourself being disappointed since you are *expecting* it to happen.
"A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be, and then making the best of it."
Let them be whoever they want, they have their lessons to learn in their own experience.
So let go of the person and get out of the relationship if it’s being toxic to you… because you simply deserve more.
Please relax and know it’s okay, because what’s meant to stay will stay and always come back, without any stress and effort.
I can almost guarantee you that because this happened to me many times.
It just happens smoothly and naturally by synchronicity, especially when you are in aligned with your true self.
It's Your Turn to Change the World!
This year, learn how to let go of people and things that don’t serve you happiness anymore.
Losing people and things will be happening more frequently since our state of beings are getting clearer every day, so is our reality.
If you never know what’s like to be sad, you can’t know what’s like to be happy. Right?
Like this way, duality is necessary for us to discover more about ourselves and know what we really desire so that we can CHOOSE our direction and reality.
That’s why God created us (all the beings) in the first place, to understand itself – All That Is.
I mean if there’s truly nothing to compare, you’ll never know who you really are.
Once again, I’m telling you, the speed of this energy shift (transformation) is only going to get faster as the time passes, so the best time to act is NOW.
The longer you wait, the more it will become difficult and challenging for you to turn around and experience things that you are not.
So it’s important to decide who you really are and what you want to be or do… and choose that path believing it will take you to the desired place.
Choosing your path isn’t enough.
You have to start taking action – what you’ve decided, and that’s the most important thing!
If you think you are currently walking on the wrong path, then you’d better hurry and turn around to change your path before it’s too late. It’s not a lot but you still have time.
"You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequence of your own choice." - Reona Saito
No matter what you have done, or where you’ve ever been before, if you are seriously willing to do whatever it takes for your dream…. and truly trust yourself, then there is nothing that you can’t achieve.
Claim Your Desires Fearlessly
When you finally come up with a decision, affirm your desires without doubt and fear – only confidence, faith, and conviction.
There is no greater sovereignty than the power of affirmation.
Your belief, character, attitude, manners, and thoughts influence how you attract things, so if you aim to achieve to life your life in success, happiness, and abundance, claim it without reservations.
It may not happen today, tomorrow, or the next day after, but don’t stop believing, because you will make it happen!
I believe in you.
The universe believes in you.
It’s your time to change your world and become who you really are.
Get started, right, NOW.
Did It Help?
What do you want to achieve the most and how would you like to grow this year?
Are you walking on the right path?
Speak your truth and express it fully in the comments below.
Show the Universe you want it more than anything.
It’s much better than just affirming it in your head.
Also if you have any questions or feedback for us, also let me know in the comments!
I would be delighted to enlighten you and help you get started with your transformation.
And if you liked this article and found it helpful, please spread this message by sharing on your social media, or share this with your friends or family.
Despite the current crisis that we are currently going through, I affirm that 2020 and the following years will bring you what your heart and soul desires.
May you continue to receive blessings and live our lives with peace, love, hope, and gratitude.
101 Responses
Hey Reona, I have a lot of things on my mind on what I want to be… but I’m in no rush to get the things I want. I’m not waiting for the right time or whatever I really want to be but… rather creating a great foundation for myself to build the biggest structure possible!! Anyways, thanks for the info!
You are very welcome Varuna! I hope information I’ve shared in this article helped you in any way :)
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Thanks Jonathan! Should have been fixed now.
Hi Novalush, thanks for letting me know the issue!
Can I ask a few questions?
Were you on mobile?
And could you send me screenshot of the issue to my email?
[email protected]
I would figure out the problem and fix it if’s due to my side :)
Hi Reona, thank you so much for this wonderful article… I’ve come across to your blog for the first time and read this and honestly I’ve never seen something so informative which is also visually awesome like this. I’m now going to read your other article. You rock!!!
Hi Luke, thanks for the wonderful comment. I’m glad you like the article :)
Your means of describing all in this paragraph is genuinely nice, all can simply know it. Thanks a whole lot!
You are welcome Lenny! Though English isn’t my language, being told something like this makes me happy!
Wow… I really believe that may be among the so much vital information for me. And I am satisfied studying your article. But I wanna remark on some general things, the website style is wonderful, the articles is TRULY great! Perfect task, cheers Reona!
Thanks Jan!
I took a few days to put my inner knowledge into this article… It wasn’t easy but I’m happy that you found the message in this article helpful. May 2016 be your best year :)
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Aww thank you Jarrel!
You know everything happens for a reason and its best timing in the universe. I hope my article has helped you in any way for your personal growth :)
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Thanks for the comment Bill! Been busy with my going project, so hasn’t been able to update the blog for a few months. But I think I can focus on writing another article soon :)
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Thanks Irvin, tell her that I’m curious to know her feedback or opinion ;)
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Thanks for telling me that! I tried my best to make my blog stand out from the crowds ;)
I don’t regard myself as a skilled blogger, but I’ll try my best to keep bringing the best content for you!
To get the latest update, sign up for my email newsletter from mindsetdev.com
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Thanks Jose! I’m glad you found those information here helpful! Although, I’m unable to update my blog frequently since I’m doing all of this alone and busy with another project right now, but when I update I’ll try my best to make it the best and you guys love it! So stay tuned bud :)
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Thanks for stumbluponing my blog and your kind wishes ;)
Hugs for you bud.
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Thank you Nigel!
If you would like to personally contact me, send me an email to: [email protected]
Or just sign up my free course from here: mindsetdev.com
Valuable information. Lucky me I discovered your site by accident, and I’m stunned why this twist of fate didn’t happen earlier! I bookmarked it.
Thank you Henry! I’m glad you found this valuable :)
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Hi Alene, thank you so much. Glad you liked my article.
I don’t use RSS, so if you want updates and gifts from me, just sign up for my email list from mindsetdev.com :)
OMG Reona, I just wanted to say, I really LOVED this article. It absolutely one of the best article I’ve ever read on the internet…
Thank you so much Loyd!
I am not any longer sure where you’re getting your info, but good topic. I must spend quite some time studying more or training more.
Thank you for great information I was searching for this info for my mission.
I’m glad to hear that you found my information valuable. I’ve been studying about these topics for almost a decade since I was little. I have a few very legit truthful source for my wisdom, and I’m pretty much sharing their contents with you.
Obviously, Bashar is my favorite guy. I’ve learned a lot from his wisdom :)
Thank you very much, I was able to find good advice from your blog posts.
You are welcome Cleve!
I am truly thankful for your work, Reona. What an enormous article at here…
Thank you for an encouraging :)
I’ll try to keep up the good work here!
Hello, just planned to say, I enjoyed this article. It absolutely was helpful. Continue posting!
Glad you liked it Ross! S
Sorry for not updating in a while, but I hope to have more time to craft more contents soon.
I could not stay away from commenting. Perfectly written!
It’s far from perfect grammar but thank you Bryan :)
Does your site have a contact page? I’m having a tricky time locating it but, I’d prefer to send you an email. I’ve got some recommendations for your personal blog you may be interested in hearing. Either way, great site and I also look ahead to seeing it develop over time.
Hi Julia, sorry for that my contact page was broken but now have been fixed. You can go to contact page from footer or simply email me [email protected]
Once I initially left a comment I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on every time a comment is added I receive four emails with the exact same comment.
There should be an easy method you may remove me from that service? Thanks a lot!
Hi Crissy, sorry for the late reply.
You could unsubscribe from that email and you won’t receive it anymore!
Thank you, I’ve recently been searching for information about this subject for ages and yours is the greatest I have discovered till now.
But, what about the conclusion? Are you certain concerning the source?
I’m happy to hear that this post has given you some clarification.
My source is from everywhere, I’ve been researching about these topics for over a decade.
If I name a few, people like Bashar, Alaje, Neal Donald Walsh, and so on influenced me a lot.
I found many confluences in their teachings and experienced the truth in my own life, I could be of course wrong, but I’m confident.
I’m not asking you to believe in what I say. That’s not the important part.
If the information is useful to you, I’m happy. That’s it!
I blog quite often and I truly appreciate your information. This article has really peaked my interest.
I will bookmark your blog and keep checking for new details about once per week. I opted in for your list too!
Thanks for joining my list Nola, sorry for not being able to write new contents in a while. But I’m very active for my email list :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH REONA!!!! What an enormous post!! keep it up all the time.
Thank you very much Thomas will do ;)
How do I stop addictive food habits?
Thank you… Arigatou…
Do itashimashite Sally :)
Thanks for the article. I found it interesting but I’m not sure I fully understand it yet. I’m curious to learn more about this topic. Since you’ve been studying for 10 years, would you mind sharing where you learned some of this?
Hi Rachel, thanks for reading the article!
Yes it’s a little complex to understand the matter.
I’ve learned from everywhere on the internet, reading articles and books, watching videos, there’s no particular source.
But you can learn a lot from ‘the Conversations with God’ by Neal Donald Walsh, in terms of how the Universe and our world work!
Reona I loved of every bit you wrote. I am also a lover of the universe, energies and growth! Cheers. Keep writing.
Thank you so much Roshni!
Hi Reona!
Thank you very much for a great article ! I will share it with my Reiki friends ? very encouraging!
Thank you for the comment and for your support Elena! ?
I am very self aware now, very much conscious of my true self and the love I feel and connection with others. I take full responsibility for my life for my happiness. I know to leave toxic people behind, to move towards my full potential in life. My vibration is very high and I will use the insight that I have gained to give back to people my true genuineness of my heart and soul to continue to heal those in life, the struggles I overcame to help others to evolve to freedom and peace and help them find freedom.
Amazing Brittnee, sounds like you are on the right track! ?
Excellent article, I will work to invent things that make people’s lives better and hopefully improve humans relationship to planet Earth. ALL people on Earth need to realize that we need the planet to survive, but the planet doesn’t need us. So by doing EVERYTHING possible to save Earth we will be saving ourselves as well. Stop polluting the air, seas, soil and our bodies. Stop hate, spread love, the Earth NEEDS GOOD VIBES, BE ONE. The earth is alive, just like we are. We (people) are the only negative to the Earth’s wellbeing. Look at it like this, if you smoke or eat too much, or whatever makes your body suffer, eventually you have to change your ways to get better or, well, you end up worse. So since people are the ones making the Earth “sick”, it’s people that have to change things to make it better. Ever heard, don’t fool with mother nature? Well, maybe the Earth has had enough of us “fooling” with it. Be positive, love, respect, forgive, share, don’t judge. Don’t litter, start recycling EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. Eat healthier, less additives and preservatives, exercise, be HAPPY, DON’T WORRY. Love is the word of the day, love yourself, love others, love life, and help spread the word. God bless us, every one.
So true Paul!
We need more people like you! I’m very optimistic about our future despite the current hardships we are facing as humanity.
I see more and more people are waking up every day, becoming more conscious and choosing sustainable ways.
Simplicity, reducing my possessions so I am free to travel and answer all these questions. Still feel like I have a life’s purpose that I have not yet achieved. Sometimes feel like I am walking the right path, sometimes feel like I am distracted and spending my time and energy on the wrong activities and people. Also want to express myself better through my art and Heal the World with it.
Don’t worry you’re on the right track Joyce! Because you can tell yourself when you are choosing the wrong energy. Bless you :)
Experiencing the open road and adventuring to wonderful places with a beautiful soul…. Both moving forward, positive growth & happy memories.
Thank you!
Amazing Hannah! Let’s hope this corona things goes away so we can finally have some adventures! ?
Why do you have to bring politics into everything?
Grow up!!!!
I brought up politics because it’s one of the most important aspects of our life. You see everything’s connected, and we can’t talk about our world without talking about the system that shape us all.
Very insightful article, thank you hope love leads your way and everyone reading this. Do exactly as written above be affirmative about your intentions and let the universe manifest it. God bless
Thank you for the kind message Toni! Bless you too :)
So exciting! Such a crazy time we live in…
I am Steven Gregory Olaska.
And I attest that I am transitioning from male to female. I want to make music my dream job and life goal to become a famous musician.
I will not rest until my dream has come to fruition. When it finally does, now in this moment, it will be done in the name of the true god of the universes. Praise his holy name! YAHUSHA!! Holy holy holy, is the lord god almighty. Who was, and is, and shall be again. May I seek the truth always. Love. Love! Love each other! Love each other!! Love each other!!
I will reconnect with my angels. I will release any negative energy or curses or hexes, and I will let go of all of my negative family members, teachers, and even my own negativity self doubt, and depression. I know I’m my heart is hearts, that I am taking this transition seriously. As seriously as I’ve ever taken anything. I forgive myself. And I forgive everyone else, I have made peace with all my inner demons. And I know for a fact. GOD WILL FORGIVE ME. I’m not afraid. I KNOW GOD LOVES ME.
Wishing you all the best Steven!
Hi Reona, I have now discovered your wonderful article/blog.
I am so grateful for having discovered your website and have now read a bit about your life as well.
Your perspective is refreshing and I can feel the truth of your words.
Thank you so much for providing this for us to read and be comforted.
Thank you Elizabeth! It means a lot :)
Good morning, From Adelaide, South Australia; Quantum Physics takes time: (human must believe and think on this before it can manifest) Yet we must keep in truth, reality in evolution, always in NOW. Progress (no choice) with compassion, with clear message to our fellow Souls in assisting the move out of mental logic, personality to achieve Oneness. Our clear undefined clearer awareness that we are not Bodies nor personalities. We are Soul Consciousness of all that is using a body (with brain, co-creating contrast)that created a personality. See your self as an energy, as a Etheric Body who is the Captain of the vessel. In the analogy of the Train in "a direction" it's described the Vessel being directed. Our direction is governed by Soul Consciousness of all that is, a collective awareness in evolution, over-righting, re-writing separation. Returning to ALL CONSCIOUSNESS after the experience.
Very interesting perspective Ruben.
I enjoyed the enlightenment and am vibrating at a very high level at this moment. I enjoyed a very good meditation period this morning and looked this up become I can feel the shift really strong today.
Thank you
You are welcome Faye!
I’m writing this comment since you generously hinted that we should express ourselves in this comment section. I’m taking a chance…
I have this constant “voice” in my head that tells me I’m no good, that I don’t deserve any bit of happiness. That I should just lie down and die because it doesn’t even matter if I try.
But I also have this deep feeling in me, that gut feeling that tells me the contrary.
So I keep fighting between those two wolves : one is trying to end me, the other one is trying to support me.
I believe in God and all his Greatness. The reason behind that belief is not only “faith” but also because I’ve been saved more than once.
First time when I was a 5 years old child. I fell from the 2nd floor of an appartment in Paris. My cranium was broken, my arms and shoulder were broken, I had internal bleeding…
I was hospitalized at the “Hôpital Necker” in Paris, 15ème arrondissement (or “15th district” if you prefer).
Doctors couldn’t tell my parents if I’d survive this. If I did, they said that I’d probably be handicapped or lose my memory. However, none of that happened.
When I woke up from coma (which lasted a month), I immediately recognized my mother standing next to me and the first thing I said was “Where is He? Where did He go?”. “Who? Who are you talking about?” my mother asked. “Jesus mom! He was there with me! He told me to wake up!”.
My father, an atheist, fell down on his knees when he heard those words. The rest of my family was there when I woke up, all with their hands in prayer, thanking the Lord. The doctor who took care of me couldn’t believe his own eyes, said it was truely “a miracle”.
Now… I know that this is hard to believe, you may discard this story as another lie told by yet another attention seeker on the web. It’s ok, I don’t blame you. It still sounds incredible to my family (and to me) to this day.
Second time is when I was 18 years old. I was in Turin (Italy) with my mother. We were there only a short time, mostly visiting town. We visited the famous “Chapel of the Holy Shroud”.
For those who don’t know, the shroud is believed to be the cloth that covered Jesus’s body when they buried him. His face and body can be seen on the shroud, it’s truely amazing.
Anyway, before going to that church, I was in a very bad mood… So much so that I started blaspheming (insulting God). When my mother heard me talking such evil, she immediately grabbed me by my arm and said “Now you shut up! I’m taking you to the Chapel and you better stay quiet!”.
She was so mad, and also scared. She later told me I had this evil look in my eyes, she said she didn’t recognize me.
Anyway, as soon as we entered the Chapel, I had this overwhelming feeling inside of me.
It’s really hard to describe… I heard a voice deep in my head, talking to me. And then an image…
It was Him. He said “Why did you abandon me? I’ve been here the whole time… Why did you turn your back?”. He had his arms open, as if wanting to hold me. His voice wasn’t an accusatory one… He wasn’t judging me, it felt like He was sad because I had forsaken him.
The feeling of guilt, the immense pain that makes you feel like a worthless piece of shit, started to take over me. I started crying uncontrollably. Everyone in that chapel saw me tearing up, in pain, as if something atrocious had happened.
I fell on my mother’s lap… She was distraught and asked me what was happening.
While suffocating in my tears, I told her : “I betrayed Him mom! I turned my back on Him! Why? I’m so sorry… I’m so, so sorry…”. Needless to say, my mother was speechless. She held me in her arms the whole time.
A priest approached us, asking what was happening. He was worried.
I couldn’t talk, I never cried like this my whole life… So my mother explained to him the best way she could. She pointed her finger to the shroud and said “He talked to my son”.
The priest was shocked… I took a look at him and it seemed like he didn’t believe it at first.
He asked me what I felt like… It took all my strength to tell him “I heard Him speaking to me and… He said He’s there with me. He asked why I turned my back on him. He said that He loved me… I feel so ashamed and unworthy”.
After a bit of thinking, the priest put his hand on my shoulder and told me : “Son, you’re not worthless. If He truely spoke you, that means you’re special to Him. You are blessed and very lucky. This is incredible… This is a miracle!”.
The priest was really flabbergasted by all this. I cried for what felt like an hour or so. I couldn’t stop.
The feeling was way too heavy to be over it in minutes.
After all this, I felt OK again… Back to my normal self. Needless to say that what just had happened to me would remain in my memories my whole life.
So… Taking into account what happened to me in the past… Why the hell do I still have that darkness in me which claws at my soul? Why am I still uncapable to accomplish what I truely desire?
Why don’t I believe in myself?…
Sorry for the extremely long post.
Hi Absalom, thank you so much for sharing your story.
Hearing your story, it seems that you’ve been struggling with self-esteem and self-love, which I think diminishing your true potential to live a life you want.
Remember self-love is the most important key ingredient for having a quality life.
Like you said, deep inside you think you don’t deserve happiness.
Why should the universe give you what you want when you, yourself don’t really believe that you deserve it?
The universe doesn’t give you what you want, they can only give you what you are.
So focus on your healing and develop self-love, and your life will be much more fulfilling than now.
I made a step-by-step extensive guide on developing self-love in blog, so I recommend you read it too.
Regarding the first question “Why the hell do I still have that darkness in me which claws at my soul?”
Trust me, we ALL have demons inside, just like we have good side.
So don’t worry, you are not alone.
Light or darkness, whichever you focus on simply expands. It’s just a matter of choice, your choice.
What I can tell you is that choosing light always brings you joy and happiness, while choosing darkness will always bring you suffering and pain.
Which do you want?
I can’t help but feel that this present time feels very familiar. It feels like a time I experienced as a child. I can’t quite put my finger on it but I have an inner knowingness that everything is going to be alright and that everything is as it should be. Take it one day at a time, stay present and aware of how you feel, if it’s off question it, be happy, be mindful, and be grateful and stay in-tuned as well as fine tuned.
Yes April! Trust the universe. Everything is happening for the better.
I felt a huge shift the evening of 20 Oct 2020 but see no info on shifts that time on the internet. It may have been my own personal shift due to prayer and meditation and, in particular. All the pow wow music I listened yesterday. What you’ve written is powerful and inspirational. Thank you so much.
You are more than welcome Ruth!
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Wonderful process!
Thank you very much Mohammed! Glad you liked my post!
A very informative article.thank you .and am glad am on the right path and the universe is really my back and support….
Thank you Reona