A different story

Aug 24, Things Can Always Get Better

Reona Saito

Good morning!

A blessed Wednesday to you! And I have a powerful affirmation for you today. ?


Imagine you share a different story.

See yourself sharing your success as an inspiration for others to have hope.

So many people will be inspired by how much you have grown and taken control of your life. ✨

You will be so proud of yourself.

You finally did something about it.

You finally trusted in the miracles of the universe.

You have surrendered to the unknown and the results have been magnificent.

You have discovered the power of your words not by reading about it alone but by the example of your results.

You are a believer now.

You can’t even explain how it all suddenly happened in such unexpected ways.

You are filled with an overwhelming amount of excitement.

You feel so lifted, so inspired.

Everything seems like a movie. ✨?

You look back and watch how those moments you thought were final were only a scene.

A short scene in the grand scheme of things.

This expands your heart and mind even more bringing you a greater peace and deep gratitude for everything.

Miracles are normal. It’s a constant in your life.

Your existence is miraculous. ?✨

The fine details of everything dancing in sync.

No error. Order in everything. Meaning in everything. A lesson.

Remember, it’s only a scene.

Write a new story.

Change it and alter it as much as you want. It’s never final.

Let that bring you ease and reassurance.

Let that lift you so high you remember your divine truth. You are very special.

Another question for you:

What is the new story that you want yourself to have someday? And who are the first people you want to share it with?

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