Aug 16, Dreams Are Coming True.

Team MindsetDev

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are doing great.

Please affirm this now:


You’re already living something you once wanted.

You’re also going to soon be living something you’re currently dreaming of.

The point is to never give up.

To never stop dreaming.

To never stop manifesting and imagining greatness in your life.

Believe so deeply and passionately that all you think, feel, and manifest is your visions into reality.

Doubt and fears are just things that come up that test your comfort zone.

Your wildest dreams are valid.

Your greatest vision is real and tangible ?

Just like that, this new feeling and a new way of thinking can be your push forward to strengthen your faith today.

No adversity, challenge, pain, or obstacle can stop the one who believes.

We have the natural ability to imagine for a reason.

We go into a mental space and see what can happen to us.

It feels like a glimpse sometimes of all your potential.

Like wow, I truly can and that is possible for me.

This is your spirit that’s unbounded by space and time giving you a glimpse.

A glimpse of all that you can be if you decided to accept who you are today.

If you decided to take that action.

If you decided to go into uncharted territories of possibilities.

The action you need to take is obvious.

You even know what needs to be done.

Here and now gently move forward.

Lift yourself from what weighs heavy on your heart and mind and soar to great heights.

You are powerful ?

You are able.

You can and you will.

You are full of life.

You are healed.

You are complete.

You are beyond space and time.

You are the life force.

Reclaim your divine truth ?

Accept and love yourself.

Forgive yourself.

Welcome peace in your heart and mind.

Your inner freedom shifts all your life experiences.

You alter how you respond to everything, and this gives you strength and hope that all is okay.

Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams.

Question for you:

What is one dream or vision you have for your life that you are ready to wholeheartedly believe in and manifest into reality? Take a moment to connect with your dreams and visualize yourself living them.

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