If you worry a lot, you need to read this…
I have an extremely active imagination.
Unfortunately, this has brought with it literally thousands of hours spent worrying. I often say worry is a woeful misuse of the imagination. It really is.
It might seem as though running obsessively over our life challenges in our heads is in some way helpful. It never is.
When I understood this, so much changed. I saw that whenever I worried, nothing in the world actually changed, except one thing: I felt physically worse. This is the role of worry: to make us less effective and more anxious.
That’s it. It brings us nothing good because worry is a misuse of our thoughts.
We always feel our thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality. You create everything. Thoughts are great tools for planning, invention and foresight.
But they are useless when we run through the same thoughts repeatedly in our minds.
This only serves to tighten us up like a wet rag. So, whenever something happens in my life that I dislike – or maybe I have money worries…
Whatever it is, I do this: I remind myself that the clearest solutions come when I least expect them.
• Out on a walk
• In the kitchen
• In the shower
• When reading a chill fiction novel
And you know this is true because the same has happened to you.
These are now your priorities, not worrying.
We never have ‘aha’ moments when we’re in the throes of a sweaty rumination session in our beds at 3 in the morning.
Have faith in this beautiful and potent innate intelligence running through you. It’s the same creative power that turns an acorn into an oak tree. The same brilliance that holds the stars in the sky.
This wisdom is there for you to tap into.
But only when you can relax again and be open and receptive to its power. It’s there. Be gentle, and it will appear.
And when you hear a subtle ‘ping’ in your mind as the solution presents itself, Now you can return to putting the solution into action via the power of your imagination.
It’s a dance.
Just don’t grab the sticky end. If you feel stressed. It’s a sign. A sign you need to let go and do something else.
It’s time to find faith and relax into knowing that wisdom will appear when it needs to appear.
And when it does, you’ll wonder why you were ever worried at all.
That’s my two cents for today.
I hope you find my thought helpful.
Talk soon. ?
– Reona